Leaving the Sex Industry : Obstacles and Incentives

Practiced Activities and Time Spent in the Sex Industry

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The majority of women and girls are active in the sex industry for 2 to 5 years. A minority practice occasional prostitution or are active less than a year.

Here are the numbers concerning the ones that are still in it.

The majority of women and girls are active in the sex industry for 2 to 5 years. A minority practice occasional prostitution or are active less than a year.

Here are the numbers concerning the ones that have left.

The most practiced activity is escorting, at over 50%. The second most practiced is strip dancing.

Activités dans l'industrie du sexe

Excluding those who refused to disclose their situation, 55 % of the respondents who participated in this study were in the sex industry at the time of completing the questionnaire while 45% were no longer involved.

The majority of respondents practice (90%) or have practiced (84%) one to (a maximum of) three prostitution activities.

Figure 5 - Nombre d'activités pratiquées

Incentives For Entry Into The Sex Industry

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Of all those who responded, the two most common reasons for getting into the sex industry were the need for money (70%) and housing (46%).


Table-11 - Incitatif contribuant à l'entrée dans l'industrie du sexe

Women and Girls that Have Thought About Leaving the Sex Industry

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Women and girls who have considered leaving the sex industry were dissuaded at the thought of their need for money (64%), their debt (51%), the cost of their basic needs (45%) and housing (34%).

Figure 6 - Obstacles à la sortie de l'industrie du sexe

Women and Girls that Have Tried Leaving the Sex Industry

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Women and girls who have unsuccessfully tried leaving the sex industry identified the need for money (70%) and housing (53%) as the two primary obstacles in leaving.


Figure 7 - Obstacles à la sortie de l'industrie du sexe


Women and Girls that Have Permanently Left the Sex Industry After One or Multiple Attempts

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Incentive to exiting: Concerning the ROSI (first attempt), moving away or leaving the sex industry (57%) is in the first position before the need to be heard, to be believed, not to feel judged ( 48%).

Figure 8 - Leviers de sortie de l'industrie du sexe

Incentive to exiting: Concerning the ROSI (several attempts), to be heard, to be believed, not to feel judged (56%) is in the first position before moving away (51%). Figure 9 - Leviers de sortie

Moving away/leaving the prostitutional milieu(53%), not wanting to feel judged and wanting to be believed and heard (53%), wanting to feel safe (45%), having access and support for obtaining housing or shelter (42%) and having access and support for basic needs (40%) are the five most cited incentives for respondents who permanently left the sex industry.

Figure 10 - Leviers de sortie de l'industrie du sexe

Lack of self-esteem and self-confidence, was an obstacle cited by 38% of respondents who managed to conclusively leave the sex industry after multiple attempts but is only cited by 17% of those who unsuccessfully tried leaving.

Figure 11 - Obstacles à la sortie de l'industrie du sexe

Women and Girls that Have Taken a Break, but Consider Returning

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Among respondents who say they have taken a break from prostitution, 42% report the need to feel safe as one of the reasons for leaving and 38% mention having moved and left the prostitutional environment.


Figure 12 - Leviers de sorte

Two thirds of women who claim to have taken a break from the sex industry (67%) mentioned the need for money as being the motivating factor in wanting to go back. Debt was the second most common reason at 39%.

Figure 13 - Incitatifs à retourner dans l'industrie du sexe

RISI = Respondents Inside the Sex Industry
ROSI =Respondents Outside the Sex Industry