Winter and the holidays are not necessarily a happy season for all. When we get through the season, we appreciate spring even more—and it’s particularly difficult for many, including myself, which explains why, during this time of year, I have been less active online. I prefer to be fully present in a few places than half present everywhere.

It’s good to be professional and detached, but it’s also by being human and sensitive that we manage to create connections with women who may be apprehensive or seem disappointed and bring support to them. So that’s what I do, even when it’s tough. It’s worth it in the end because I remind myself that, even when it’s difficult, this is my chance to have an impact through the work that I do.


Gone too soon

Two of the women I had worked with for a few months died last December and January, having disappeared as a direct result of their involvement in prostitution. It’s never easy to hear things like this, but it’s reality, and when it happens, I allow myself to experience the emotions that come up. I give myself a break and some comfort, finally accepting it, letting it go, and I keep going.

However, what I do have trouble letting go of, although it fortunately doesn’t bother me on a daily basis, is losing contact with a woman. Not hearing from her, not knowing if she’s okay, etc. It’s part of the job and I live with it, but every day, for a few seconds, I have a thought for what I call my “missing warriors” and I wish them well.

A lucky encounter

Tonight, after going through some difficult and tiring weeks, I had the pleasure of meeting one of these warriors again. Although I hadn’t met her through my work, through an organization or even at an event related to getting out of prostitution, but we opened up and connected. Since then, like a shooting star, she crosses my mind from time to time. I think of the hardships she was going through at the time and, in my heart, I wish her well.

She was well and seemed fulfilled, wise and at peace. We were able to chat for a while. This came at a time when I needed a reminder of why I do what I do and why I go where I go, in addition to needing to remind myself of how privileged I am to be able to meet so many beautiful humans.

Life is not always easy, and sometimes it even seems absurd, but in the end, we do our best. Above all, life is precious, so no matter what, please don’t give up. There is always a path to take, a road to try and beautiful things to discover.

Visage-Guerrières-disparues La Sortie, pour sortir de la prostitution, les agences d'escortes, l'industrie du sexe à Montréal  - The Missing Warriors The Way Out, to get out of prostitution, escort agencies, the sex industry in Montreal

Tribute to missing women

To my great warriors who have passed on, yes it happened too soon, but you deserve rest and peace. Thank you for coming into my life and trusting me. It was an honour to walk with you. I treasure the great memories of our exchanges and your inspiring reflections in a special place in my heart.


Rose Sullivan – Outreach Worker